निद्रा समये - Nidra Samaye (Mantra before going to bed)

Discussion in 'Mantra' started by Speechless world, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. Speechless world

    Speechless world New Member

    निद्रा समये - Nidra Samaye
    (Before going to bed)

    रामस्कन्धं हनुमन्तम वैनतेयं वृकोदरं |
    शयने यः स्मरेन्नित्यं दुःस्वप्नम् तस्य नश्यति ॥

    ramaskandham hanumantam vainateyam vrkodaram
    sayane yah smarennityam duh swapnam tasya nasyati

    Sanskrit to English Word Meaning:

    ramaskandham- Rama’s loyal follower; hanumantam- Hanuman; vainateya- Garuda; vrkodaram- Bhima; sayana- sleep time; yah- this; smaren- chant; nityam- always; duh- bad; swapnam- dream; tasya- then; nasyati- detroyed


    Meditating upon Hanuman, Garuda and Bhima before going to bed ensures a sleep without disturbing dreams.

    Brief Explanation:

    It is always good to have positive thoughts in one’s head before going to sleep. Lord Hanuman, Garuda and Bhima are symbolic of great courage, valour and strength; hence it advised to visualize and meditate upon them so that this drives away bad dreams.

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