Can we meet or talk to dead person's soul with Spirituality ?

Discussion in 'Spiritual Forum' started by Aloisia, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. Aloisia

    Aloisia New Member

    Is their any possibility that we can meet our loved one's after their death ?
    If yes does it give pain to the soul of person ? if no what most can be done ?
    I would want to communicate with one.
  2. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    In Hinduism we let the fetters go, release them out of love so that they can go into the astral realms free, and find a new body. What you describe is attachment. All this mourning and trying to contact them just binds them here like ghosts.
  3. Aloisia

    Aloisia New Member

    What if the person have attained salvation and not part of rebirth ?
  4. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    Then that 'person' no longer exists. Jiva becomes Shiva.
  5. Aloisia

    Aloisia New Member

    but when he becomes shiva , it should be easier to communicate.
  6. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    In a sense, but then you're just communicating with God, not the person. That's always easier.
  7. Aloisia

    Aloisia New Member

    well i may not agree to it..when i am communicating with god he ought to come in a form which would be most loved and appreciated by me :)
  8. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    Sure. I do that. It's Ganesha or Nataraja.
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