Hui Tzu was prime minister of Liang He had what he believed to be inside information That Chuang Tzu coveted his post, And was plotting to supplant him. When Chuang Tzu came to visit Liang, The prime minister send out police to arrest him, But although they searched for three days and nights, They could not find him. Meanwhile Chuang Tzu presented himself to Hui Tzu of his own accord, and said: “Have you heard about the bird that lives in the south – the phoenix that never grows old? “This undying phoenix rises out of the south sea and flies to the sea of the north:, never alighting except on certain sacred trees. He will touch no food but the most exquisite rare fruit, And he drinks only from the clearest springs. “Once an owl chewing an already half decayed rat saw the phoenix fly over. “Looking up he screeched with alarm and clutched the dead rat to himself in fear and dismay. “Prime minister, why are you so frantic, clinging to your ministry and screeching at me in dismay?”