These shlokas are to be chanted in the right ear when a person’s end is very near, by his near and dear ones around him. The following is by Adi Shankara: Yadaa avarNayath karNamoolae Anthakaalae s(h)ivo raama raamaethi raamaethi kaas(h)yaam Thadaekam param thaarakam brahmaroopam Bhajae aham Bhajae aham Bhajae aham Bhajae aham A person attains liberation, if, on his death bed, those around him chant Rama nama and Shiva nama in his ears. The following is from Bhagavadgita – 18.66 Sarvadharmaan parithyajya maamaekam s(h)araNam vraja Aham thvaa sarvapaapaebhyo mokshayishyaami maa s(h)uchah In this verse Krishna summarises the entire teachig of Gita thus: Abandoning dependence on all dharmas ( or on human efforts at moral and spritual upliftment), come to Me as the only Refuge. Grieve not; I will deliver you from all sins. This is the essence of the entire Gita, nay, the essence of the entire scriptural literature.