God sent cobra and fire for my help in presence of many people

Discussion in 'Spiritual Forum' started by Ravinder bawa, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    I am writing this blog to get some guidance from any scholars or from spiritual teacher so that i can complete my TAPASYA.
    My car got damaged in jan 2009 in front of gurudwara of rahon, near phillaur , LUDHIANA, PUNJAB, INDIA,at night. I was alone. I felt some strange power inside, spent whole night in car, at 4.oo of morningclock i went inside gurudwara.after some time i was not in condition to sit in gurudwara because of strange power I left gurudwara and car there and moved towards phillaur, (near ludhiana) when reached at village mahlan , ( near phillaur , ludhiana,punjab) i streched my body on a bench in a field . Someone came near me and told me to get up i said don't disturb me if you will touch me u will get electric shock, twice he touched me and got shock . Many people gathered around me when someone tried to touch me with stick a king cobra came from bushes and sat on my chest. Village people enquired about me. I told them phon
    Of my co. I was engineer in that co. AernR festival city ludhiana they verified and told tthem about cobra incedent. that time i uttered if anybody will take my picture in camera, my face will not appear and the same thing happened ( my face didn't appeared in picture. This came to my knowledge later.) On 28/7/2012 my body kept on burning for my hours at sector 32, police station, ludhiana, punjab, india, in presence of policemen. Not even a single hair was burned in fire. Three govts. Including indian govt keep an eye on me 24 hrs. Can anybody xplain it. My Phone is: 00917355236811 and my name is Ravinder bawa. There are so many other things which i can't explain here. Need guidance. I have stopped death of my family, relatives and of few politicians who tried to play games with me ( congress and akali dal party). I
    want to complete my tapasya for that i need guidance. Any body can verify from above mentioned places about these incedents. Or even from peoples of Ansal bachitar enclave, bhamia road, chandigarh road, ludhiana punjab. . I was engineer in that colony and
    Some people of that colony was present in police station when my body was burning. LK advani ( BJP Leader) visited ludhiana in 2009 and tried to contact me through my friend but i refused to meet him. In 2013 Congress party offered me very very heavy amount but i didn't accepted. I need guidance so that after completing my tapasya i can serve this earth
  2. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    It's really difficult to know this. Because firstly, we don't know what spiritual activities you do. When there is kundalini awakening, there can be heating and strange effects that can even frighten the very own person. Hence the better and must do thing for him is to consult a sanyasi. Even if we try to interpret it, it need not be accurate. This is what I feel.
  3. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

    Pranam, Hare Krishna...very interesting to know about the existence of such powers.

    Yes, it's because of the Kundalini awakening, your Manipura chakra was active, the chakra near the navel when turns active you get powers from the universe, the cobra and fire. Fire is the element of Manipura chakra and cobra is the kundalini serpant which forms a 8 and activates the other chakras. The reason you were not able to understand what is happening was only because the chakra was not active in an order, it should start with the root chakra, swadhisthan and later manipura but because Manipur got active earlier, this created a little imbalance, such powers won't remain within us for more then 3 to 4, days because even once I was a victim of such powers to read mind, future and see things with closed eyes and my powers lasted for 3 days, in such situation we don't feel hungry or sleepy because those are the needs of body and with such power activation we are not in the body state but beyond material creation.

    What would have possibly the reason of your manipura getting active?

    1. When you car broke down, did you had some injury? Because there are few biological glands in our body when touch, makes the chakras active for sometime.
    It is notably the home of coeliac plexus.

    2. Some hand mudra or leg postures can also possibly active chakras.

    You said you were been offers a huge amount by political parties?
    One reason I can say for such a situation, manipura word means Jewels/mani. Those who balance this chakra they can earn a lot in their life by seeking help from its power.

    Fire can't harm you?
    Yes because fire is the element of Manipur you can't be harmed, the jathar agni of digestion within our body is due to presence of manipura chakra with all of us but most of them are over balanced or under balanced. Symptoms of over balanced are those with short tempered and symptoms of under balanced are those with cold blood, laziness and no signs of activities.

    You need not think much about this incident because it has nothing to do with your spiritual journey, if you want to activate chakras, mantras are more powerful them meditation. Certain rounds of Sri Ram, or Sri Krishna or Narayan which are known as mahamantra has the vibration to activate all chakras if taken with purity and faith.

    Hare Krishna.
  4. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

    Forgot to mention.
    Your picture did not appear?
    Material things have no power to capture spiritual powers.
  5. Speechless world

    Speechless world New Member

    First of all, what kind of help are you expecting?
    Secondly, was that a mere miracle? If he wants to improve his tapasya, you must serve some spiritual guru who can guide him. Vishwamitra was a powerful yogi, but he couldn't complete his entire sadhana as he restricted himself only to yogic powers. On the other hand, Vasishth ji who followed his Guru, got Shri Ram as his disciple.

  6. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    Thanks for ur reply, i have experienced so many things which are beyond imagination. 2006 , i was dead for 3-4 hrs, my sisters were present there and during my dead period i was undergoing 8.4 million births. I say myself as fish, tortoise, many other specises, then stoneage person. Write now when i am writing this govt. is hacking my phone. ( a message appears on screen " secure connection cannot be established" when govt hacks my phone. I have discussed with many sanayasi but in vain, such sanayasi after listening even avoid eye contact with me. If u know any person who can guide me, please let me know. Thanking you
  7. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    If you know any guru, pls let me know. I have discussed with any spiritual gurus but in vain. After listening me they even avoid eye contact with me. I know there are always cobras around me for my help. But i have deep rooted fear of snakes in my mind, which i want to remove.

  8. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    Thanks for ur reply, i have experienced so many things which are beyond imagination. 2006 , i was dead for 3-4 hrs, my sisters were present there and during my dead period i was undergoing 8.4 million births. I say myself as fish, tortoise, many other specises, then stoneage person. Write now when i am writing this govt. is hacking my phone. ( a message appears on screen " secure connection cannot be established" when govt hacks my phone. I have discussed with many sanayasi but in vain, such sanayasi after listening even avoid eye contact with me. If u know any person who can guide me, please let me know. Mr. Das pls read my other replies to other members. Pls let me know ur address. I have experienced same thing which u have mentioned about chakra near navel, when i was regular visiting gurudwara.. brother i know this is my

    last birth but something is missing which i have complete before death. Let
    me know ur address pls brother
  9. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

    Dear brother I am truly inspired by your words and who wouldn't like to meet a person like you who have reached the core of the spiritual sky. No, I do not know any guru, as I told you if you wish to you can chant the Mahamantra to get more positive vibes and enlightened your aura.
    If you fear snakes I would share one verse from Mahabhrata which after chanting, snakes never bites nor would you fear them and even if they bite their poison won't harm, would share the shloka after sometime or few days as I have to go through many verses.

    About death, it's is actually not death but you entered a TURIA state, this keeps you alive but at the same time your inner soul or consciousness is not present with your material body.

    You were able to see those million births were due to AGYA chakra activation also know as the third eye and the scientific term is Pineal gland, which even I had experienced once but could hardly see 1 or 2 past lives in peices and dreams. Agya chakra when balanced, you can see past and future both, as you said you saw millions of birth, I really cant believe this because Agya chakra can guide you to maximum 100 births but not beyond those 100 births because this is also mentioned in Shrimad bhagwatam Kapil muni samvad with his mother.

    I would share the shloka and paste it for you.

    Secondly, if you need answers to your questions, ask God. I would let you know how.
    Take Shrimad bhagwad gita or Mahabharata and open a Random page. Read all verse with their translation and meaning, 100% you would find your answer here. Please also share those page numbers with me. KrishnA vande Jagat Guru. Assuming Krishna as your Guru, think of your doubts and open a random page, it works, I experience this everyday in my life. As Pulkibhai said about the importance of Gurudev, with such powers gurudev would himself find a wonderful disciple like you but for time being, Krishna vande jagatguru

    Pranam, Hare Krishna
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2015
  10. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    Wow, i have just gone through about manipura charkra on internet. Belive it or not, during february 2012 to june 2012, i regularly visited gurudwara singh sabha, sohana (20 km from gurgaon). One day march 2012, while sitting motionless and listening path of guru granth sahib i felt a lotus is caming out inside my body at navel point and on that day i felt as i am vishnu. I started realising problems of people visiting gurudwara. ( gurudwara priest was aware about my past incedents of cobra and face not appering in photo, not through me but from somebody else, he was thinking that this person is incaranation of guru gobind singh, as i was having blue coloured tata safari, like blue color horse of guru gobind singh and it all started in gurudwara shaheed baba deep singh ji khalsa as shaheed baba deep singh is most beloved soul of guru gobind singh, priest always call me khalsa ji ( means pure soul) . I blessed few people and their problem vanished in 2-3 days, after that people started touching my feet, i felt it as a wrong sign and stoped visiting gurudwara. I don't want to sell blessings as others do.

    Brother, my wife under influence of punjab govt and her relatives gave me wrong medicines during, 2010 and my memory start vanishing i lost two jobs, and my wife has given me divorce in jan 2012, after that i started drinking whisky, within few days the effect of medicines vanished and i started visiting gurudwara and completly stopped consumption of alchol. Then realised vishnu inside me. Then incedent of fire to my body happened. The police told my wife about everything that his body kept on burning for many hours. I have not seen my only daughter from last three yrs. Now she is eight yrs old. I will meet my daughter after completion of my tapasya
  11. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    It seems you can guide me pls send me your address. Have faith. I will blow the whole world in front of you. My only problem is my mind always revolves around my daughter and i can control my mind. Help me to meet my daughter and the world will be yours. Promise
  12. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

    I am sure if the Gov is trying to reach you He might be reading our conversation as well. Anyways, glad to know you have ability beyond the power of material world, I seek blessing from you to progress in my spiritual path of bhaktimarg and intelligence to seek more knowledge from all Vedic scriptures we have, I don't need any thing else in life.

    I can guide you to control your mind to a certain extent but I dont know if you can meet your daughter or no because in spiritual journey we are all alone, the more we go towards spirituality the lesser we be in touch with material beings and this is how the nature remains balanced. Just remember one thing, if you go higher in life or fall down the reason to both would be the one whom you care the most.
    Hare Krishna pranam.
  13. Speechless world

    Speechless world New Member

    wow. This can become national news
  14. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    Thanks for the answers bratha.
  15. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    Dear brother, just clarify one thing, cobra and fire are parts of lord shiva, then why they came to rescue me. Second thing, once i saw a bull, i felt something strange i ordered the bull to sit down, the bull obeyed it and then i told the bull to move his head in the negative way (means as we move our head for no) . Then i ordered it to do the same thrice and the bull followed it. Brother i will tell you bihar election result on 10 oct. 2015 and you can confirm it on 8 nov 2015.
  16. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    Dear brother, just clarify one thing, cobra and fire are parts of lord shiva, then why they came to rescue me. Second thing, once i saw a bull, i felt something strange i ordered the bull to sit down, the bull obeyed it and then i told the bull to move his head in the negative way (means as we move our head for no) . Then i ordered it to do the same thrice and the bull followed it. Brother i will tell you bihar election result on 10 oct. 2015 and you can confirm it on 8 nov 2015.
  17. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

  18. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    U might remember a girlchild fell down in borewell on 21jun 2012, (at manesar, 20 km frm gurgaon. ) it came to my knowledge on 22 jun, i was at gurgaon. I went there ( manesar) on 23 jun at 4:00 am, i was totally in my mind to not let the girl die what ever the conseques. I telephoned one of known that i am going somewhere where my death can happen so take care of my daughter. ( as i told u govt taps, hacks and clonned my phone no. but never cross my line). The bull incedent happened at 11:00 am 23 jun, 2012 when i was at site of incedent. At 2:30 am 24 jun 2012 , Add deputy commissioner's guard came near me told me leave the place. As i was very much under influence of sleep and washing my eyes to remain awake. I left the place and next morning got the news about death of girl. It hurted me a lot and i left my job and gurgaon. Brother belive it or not but it is true, death never comes in my eyesight range. Brother, i have stopped death of my family, relatives and of few politicians who played games with me or who hurted me till completion of my tapasya. Shri Atal bihari vajpayee ji will not die before my meeting with Shri Atal ji. Yes i was going against dharma u r right, because girl was dead on 22 jun ( after postmortam it was informed) and was there to revive the dead it was against dharma, now i realized it why bull came there. Brother govt even keep manual tracking of me. One more thing i felt lord shiva in me during jan 2009, few minutes before the cobra incedent.
    After the incedent of manesar i went to ludhiana where incedent of fire happened on 28 july 2012 . Brother i consumed poison twice but almighty is not letting me die. Brother NDA has won bihar elections u can confirm on 8 Nov.
    Thankyou brother
  19. Dhavalyash das

    Dhavalyash das Moderator Staff Member

    No I dnt know about the Girl child incident but yes sorry to hear whatever happened.
    Poison is never going to work on you, snakes would always take care of this....poison kills poison.
    Thanks for updating about the elections, even I assume the same to happen. I am avail on Facebook more then here, dhaval yash das is my Id.

    Hare Krishna
  20. Ravinder bawa

    Ravinder bawa New Member

    Brother dhaval, i have sent request to you on fb, dhaval yesterday centre govt stopped me for doing a big mistake by hacking my phone intime. Earlier in UPA govt i have played a lot of games with them by sending SMS from my one to my second number. Ha ha ha one more thing centre govt is also keeping servillance of ur number, don't worry they will never hurt you they know about my wrath. Actually they are allowing ur interaction with me ( theythey can anytime disrupt my interaction with u if they want) . Dhaval after completion of mmy tapasya first i will meet my daughtet and second to you. Govt knows my intentions, remove veto powers of five superpowers, dismentalling of all nuclear weapon, complete ceasefire on earth are my first few periorities. There was a dialog in spiderman movie " GREAT RESPONSIBILITIES COMES WITH GREAT POWER" such a great dialog we can only expect from hollywood.
    Brother almighty knows sometimes i loose control over me thats why almighty is neighter letting me die nor empowering me.

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