How I Became a Hindu by George Anthony Coleman

Discussion in 'Conversion Stories' started by Hindu, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    How George Anthony Coleman became Vishnu Coleman

    All my life, I felt in love with the people and culture of India. I felt within me that in my past life I had lived in India. I knew of the presence of Hinduism in Ghana. I attended high school with some of them here in Cape Coast Ghana. During my high school days, I won a prize in Religious studies and was giving as a prize a book by His Holiness Swami Ghananand Saraswati. I can't remember the title but my parent burnt it because they knew if I read it, my curiosity will end me being a Hindu. Three years later, I was pushed to know more about Hinduism when s telenovela "Shree" was being aired on Ghana Television. I loved the commitment of the devotees and willingness of God to help His children in time of need. During the same period. Two of my close friends had also joined Hinduism. They took me to the temple in our town. It was one Friday in october 2010. That day I felt an inner peace I had never felt before. It was like I have been released from a decade of bondage. Since then I have been following the teachings of my Guru. My life as a convert hasn't been easy. People accuse me of being an idol worshipper. Some eventually tell me I will go to hell. I ask them" will your father burn you if you go against him"? Many of my friends finds the peace I have realised in my new faith welcoming. With some following me for Aarti. Thanks to the Hindu youth in Ghana for their unshaken faith. Particularly to Parvati Baidoo and Narayana osei nyarko for their support. I see Hinduism as the dominating religion in Ghana in the next few years. Om Shri sat Guru Maharaji Ki!

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