How to do Meditation ? I would like to know the easiest steps of meditation which even a noab can understand and apply to their daily life. Can we start meditation without getting initiation from any spiritual guru ? if no why if yes please tell the way ahead.
Anything which is eternal and can connect me to almighty...something spiritual.. is that right expression ?
I don't understand what you mean by eternal as it might be connected to meditation. Learning meditation is a long process, and the most traditional version is searching for oneness, samadhi, self-realisation, and then moksha. It's also called raja yoga. If that goal was reached, it would be eternal. Other more modern ideas include concentration, relaxation, or anything at all that puts one in a reflective mood, like walking in nature. That's whay I asked what it was you meant. Meditation, and learning the art of it is like a musician learning how to play intricate classical music. It takes much time, patience, and diligence. So a teacher would have to figure out where that individual is on this process before beginning any instruction. Something two simple wouldn't apply to the well-trained person, and something too difficult wouldn't apply to the beginner. So, in the beginning, one easy thing it simply to learn to sit still *I mean really still) and focus on the breath for maybe 10 minutes. Once something like that is well established daily over, say 6 months, the teacher would guide the aspirant into something a little harder. But until that simple stuff is mastered, there would be no point in continuing. This is why we have Gurus, and many call for the necessity of a Guru.
Oh then Raja yoga should be what I am looking for , but One thing that I have always lagged behind is in terms of patience, is there any other solution apart from guru, because as far as i know its very tough to find guru....
Everyone lacks patience at first. But it will come. I've seen so many newcomers quit after a few weeks because of no results. Yes, they're getting results, but they can't see them because it's way too subtle or imperceptible. I remember talking to a person abut japa, for instance. He was saying he;d seen no results. I asked how long he'd been doing rounds and he answered '6 weeks'. Personally, I've done a round of japa every day for 40 years, and I still feel like I'm just getting started, and will probably need 40 more lifetimes. So, unless you get that patience thing under control, no true Guru would have you anyway. Of course many will initiate ... for a small fee of 400 dollars or so. You can start even slower than I said ... five minutes a day 6 days out of 10. Now ... let's be honest ... if you can't do that, you're definitely not ready for raja yoga. Baby steps.
Sit or lie comfortably. You may even want to invest in a meditation chair. Than close your eyes and make no effort to control the breath, simply breathe naturally. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage and belly. Make no effort to control your breath; simply focus your attention. If your mind wanders, simply return your focus back to your breath. Maintain this meditation practice for 2–3 minutes to start, and then try it for longer periods.
Meditation is the activity of using the mind to reflect deeply and continuously on spiritual matters. This is the process to focus our attention on the Supreme by chanting a mantra (sacred sound or name of the Supreme). Focusing our mind on the sacred Mantras is also called as Mantra Meditation. This has the effect of helping us to cope better with stress and thus improve our physical and mental well-being. It also helps to provide insights into the workings of the mind and emotions and it further helps us develop clarity and wisdom, gaining a greater understanding of life. Most importantly we can experience a deep inner peace and lasting happiness by reawakening our natural spiritual consciousness and becoming self-realised. There are 3 types of Mantra Meditation. 1. Breathing Mantra Meditation 2. Japa Meditation 3. Kirtan Meditation Breathing Mantra Meditation In Breathing Mantra Meditation, the mantra is said on the long outward breath. It can be performed either with a group or alone. The main emphasis is on listening to the sound of the Mantra. The Mantra most commonly used is ‘Gauranga’ which is divided into 4 parts: ‘Gaur – ra – ang – ga’ Take a deep inhalation saying the mantra Gauranga silently in your mind; exhale Gaur-ra-un-ga. Repeat this for 4-5 minutes. Japa Meditation The method of softly repeating the Mantra is called Japa. Japa meditation is to use a set of meditation beads (Japa mala) and say the mantra on each bead, gradually moving our fingers around bead by bead until we have finished a full circle. A japa mala has one head bead, usually with a tassel on it and consists of either 108 beads or 54 beads. Traditionally the beads are held in the right hand between the thumb and middle and fourth fingers. We can practice any mantra on the Japa mala. I use the Mantra “Gopala Govinda Rama Madana Mohana” We say that mantra on each bead starting to the side of the head bead and walking our fingers around to the other side of the head bead. Kirtan Meditation Kirtan is the beautiful heartfelt singing of sacred mantras accompanied by musical instruments such as the harmonium, guitar and drums or simply clapping. Kirtan is usually practiced as a call and response with one person leading the singing and everyone else joining in afterwards. Participation in Kirtan focuses the mind very easily and naturally on the beautiful spiritual sound vibrations, which have the effect reawakening one’s spiritual consciousness. Kirtan lifts the spirit and brings joy to the heart.