Called as Mrutyunjaya mantra, Shiva mantra is a highly famous one chanted with fervent devotion by spiritual aspirants. This is one of the most powerful mantras that is believed to remove the fear of death and confer liberation or the highest salvation that one can hope for. Chanting this mantra creates a highly positive vibration that can alleviate both physical and mental discomforts and put the devotee at peace and tranquility. When the life is rampant with confusions and troubles, many people take refuge in this mantra and get relieved of their problems. Though short, Shiva mantra is very sweet and interesting to chant. Transliteration of Shiva Mantra Trayambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urvarukamiva Bhandanat Mrutyormoksheeya Maamritaat Overall Translation We worship the three eyed one (Lord Shiva) who is the master and Lord. He is highly fragrant and nourishes and takes care of all the beings. The ripened cucumber is liberated. I pray that the Lord liberated me from death and confer immortality upon me. Detailed Translation Trayambakam: The three eyed god. Shiva has three eyes that signify three sources of light namely the Sun, Moon and fire. It also signifies the three times namely the past, present and future. Shiva is said to be the source of all light and the lord of times. A verse addresses Him as Kaalaaya and Kalatheethaya (He is the time as well as the one who has conquered the time) Yajamahe: The Lord or Master. Being the creator of all the forces that create, sustain and destroy the universe, Shiva is deemed in the Hindu theology as the ultimate supreme head. Sugandhim: Shiva is always filled with divine fragrance since he cannot be acted upon by the elements of nature. Pushti Vardhanam: Lord Shiva nurtures all the beings born on this earth and takes care of their growth and well-being. He duly distributes all that is deserved by each of the beings according to the good deeds and bad deeds committed by them in course of the birth and death cycle. Urvarukamiva: ripe cucumber (The example of ripe cucumber is finely suitable to this place for comparison since the farmer checks the status of the fruit and removes those that are ready for consumption. Once a cucumber is ripe, it is removed from the plant and sent to the market. Similarly, the aspirant seeks to be liberated from the cycle of births and deaths. Here the spiritual seeker is compared to the cucumber, while Lord Shiva is compared to the farmer. Bhandanat: removed and liberated Mrutyor: From death Moksheeya: Liberate Maamrutaat: conferring immortality. Believed to be the mantra meant for the highest spiritual aspirants, this mantra has incidentally become very popular among devotees in the general walks of life due to its captivating verse form and the power to address the prayers of those who chant it diligently. Some of the imminent benefits of this mantra include cure from diseases and discomforts; mental balance and stability; relief from stress and longevity. Especially this mantra removes the fear of death and saves from all dangers. Chanting this regularly is a great Sadhana (spiritual practice) one can hope for. Om namah shivaya.