Krishna Conciousness is not just the pious way to live life, it's the Greatest need of Human Society.It is based on the faith and conviction of our heart and how we are willing to implement that faith in our actions and life Every living being is the eternal servant of Krishna. But those who reside here in this material world have all forgotten this and are therefore suffering like anything birth after birth endlessly. By the grace of the great Vaisnava acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, we have been blessed with the means of escaping the cycle of birth and death and returning to our original all-ecstatic loving relationship with Krishna in the spiritual world. This greatest of acharyas, Srila Prabhupada, has given us the mission of saving everyone in the world from their hellish entanglement in the material energy. On his order we have to make everyone Krishna conscious. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 60 svabhāva-jena kaunteya nibaddhaḥ svena karmaṇā kartuṁ necchasi yan mohāt kariṣyasy avaśo 'pi tat sva-bhāva-jena—by one's own nature; kaunteya—O son of Kuntī; nibaddhaḥ—conditioned; svena—by one's own; karmaṇā—activities; kartum—to do; na—not; icchasi—like; yat—that; mohāt—by illusion; kariṣyasi—you will act; avaśaḥ—imperceptibly; api—even; tat—that. Lord Krishna Said: " Under illusion you are now declining to act according to My direction. But, compelled by your own nature, you will act all the same, O son of Kuntī." If one refuses to act under the direction of the Supreme Lord, then he is compelled to act by the modes in which he is situated. Everyone is under the spell of a particular combination of the modes of nature and is acting in that way. But anyone who voluntarily engages himself under the direction of the Supreme Lord becomes glorious. Joy can only be experienced when we offer our love to Krishna. A devotee is very forgiving and tolerant of others but is very strict and determined with himself guarding against Maya.