Microvitum in a Nutshell 1) Question: Suppose in a particular country there is balanced physical prama'trikon'a, balanced psychic prama'trikon'a and balanced spiritual prama'trikon'a, but these three types of prama'trikon'a do not coincide -- generally they coincide in the spiritual stratum -- in that case or in that particular country, how can good thinking people fight against the depraving effects of enemy microvita? Answer: Microvita are your friends and they are also your enemies. If controlled by good people microvita are your friends, and if controlled by bad people microvita are your enemies. By nature some microvita are your friends, by nature some microvita are your enemies. Those which are by nature your enemies may also become your friends if controlled by good people. Poison is used as a medicine; snake venom is also used as a medicine. If millions of physical prama'trikon'as, psychic prama'trikon'as and spiritual prama'trikon'as do not coincide in a single point, then there will be a tug of war amongst them and finally they will get deranged....they will reach the stage of disruption. Their inner balance will be destroyed. When they coincide, the triangle of forces comes in proximity with the gun'atrikon'a -- there are several million physical prama'trokon'as, several million psychic prama'trikon'as and several million spiritual prama'trikon'as. If prama'trikon'as are destroyed, in that case good people would take the help of friend microvita. Some microvita are, in effect, your friends and some are your enemies. By nature, no microvitum is either a friend or enemy of human beings. Na kashcit kasyacit mitram' na kashcit kasyacit ripuh Vyavaha'ren'a mitra'n'i ja'yante ripavastatha' "No one is the enemy of anyone by nature. By one's behaviour a person may become friendly or inimical to others." Microvita which are inimical by nature may become your friends if controlled by good people. Though poison is fatal for humans, it is also a life-saving drug. Even snake venom is recognised by all as a medicine. 2) Question: How can good people fight against the evil effect of negative microvita? Microvita may be your friend -- the collective body of microvita may be your friend -- or they may not be your friend. What are good people to do under such circumstances? Answer: There will be a tug-of-war amongst these three triangles and finally they will get deranged, they will get disturbed. The Prama' amongst all these three triangles will be lost. 3) Question: In order to encourage the movement of positive microvita and to discourage the movement of negative microvita, should the education system of the entire world and the entire universe be reoriented? What should be done regarding the educational system of the universe, not only of India and this small planet of ours? What should be the approach? What should be the stages, the phases, the physico-psychic and psycho-spiritual approach? Answer: The question is a bit knotty. We must develop the physico-psychic aspect of students through proper physical culture, which will include yoga a'sanas, proper diet, games, sports, etc. And to develop the psycho-spiritual aspect, we must reorient the entire curriculum of all schools from kindergarten to post-graduate level according to the Neo-humanist philosophy, and must incorporate the practices of Astaunga Yoga into the curriculum in all grades. This will be the practical approach. And the guiding philosophy, the controlling philosophy should be: "This universe is ours" -- and `we' means humans, animals and plants. 4) Question: Should the knowledge regarding microvita be treated as para'vidya' or apara'vidya'? Answer: Certainly it is apara'vidya' because para'vidya' is psycho-spiritual knowledge. But this apara'vidya' will help us much in attaining the stage of para'vidya', the layer of spirituality, the lower strata of para'vidya'. 5) Question: Do these microvita occupy any space? If so, what is that space -- is it ethereal, psychic or supra-psychic? Answer: According to degrees of subtlety, some microvita occupy ethereal space, some occupy psychic space, and some occupy supra-psychic space. Supra-psychic means where the psychic comes in continuous touch, continuous contact, with the spiritual -- the silver lining between the spiritual and psychic. The spiritual level, the spiritual space, is not for microvita because they are something created by the cosmic mind. Some microvita occupy the subtlest layer of the physical sphere, and some are subtler than that: they are psychic. And some are still higher, they are supra-psychic. According to their subtlety, some microvita can be seen by a microscope; some cannot, but come in contact with mind through their actional faculty; and some can be seen by highly developed conceptual minds functioning within the field of perception. Microvita do not only function within the physical stratum, they also function within the psychic stratum, but they do not function within the spiritual stratum. They cannot affect the spiritual structure, but they can affect both the physical and psychic structures. 6) Question: Can there be any correlation between the specialities of the nuclear structure of the carbon atom (mobility, motivity and existential faculty) with those of microvita? Answer: You know nothing about the nuclear structure of microvita; you know a little about the nuclear structure of carbon atoms, and you know a few specialities of carbon atoms. So far as positive or friend ("ami") microvita are concerned, there can be a proper adjustment, there can be a correlation; and for some microvita there cannot be any correlation; they are ultravires to the existence of each other. There are positive or friend microvita, negative or enemy microvita, and neutral microvita. If controlled by good people, microvita are your friends; if controlled by bad people, microvita are your enemies. And by nature some microvita are your friends; by nature some microvita are your enemies. Those which are by nature your enemies may also become your friends if controlled by good people. When a few negative microvita penetrate your body, you feel very uneasy. But when millions of negative microvita enter, it does not take more then a few seconds for even an elephant to die. If neutral microvita enter your body, you do not feel anything special. When friend microvita enter your body, you do not feel anything special. When friend microvita enter your body and mind, you have a comfortable feeling. A few negative microvita, when they enter the human body and mind, bring much change in the feelings, but when millions of them enter, it becomes very difficult for anyone to survive long. Ordinarily microvita become more active in the night when human beings are asleep. February 1987, Calcutta
7) Question: Is there any difference of sex in protoplasms, as there is in the case of developed plants and animals? Answer: In the case of unicellular and multicellular protozoa, the entity is divided by self-dividing processes -- by an inner fissiparous tendency -- so the question of sex difference does not arise as in the case of animals or plants. But there are sex differences in the case of metazoic cells. The human body is the most complex multicellular metazoic structure. The male structure differs from the female structure in that the number of microvita in the male structure is more than in the female structure. The sex difference is due to the number of microvita. Suppose in the male protoplasm the number of microvita is ten billion, then in the female protozoa there are five billion. Not only the number, but also the varieties of microvita in the male and female structures differ. The male body can tolerate the application of positive or negative microvita after the formation of semen starts. In a boy above fifteen years of age, the formation of semen has started. (In hot countries this usually occurs at thirteen to fifteen years and a little later in cold countries.) As soon as semen has formed, the number of microvita is also increased in the male body. A female body or a male child in whom semen formation has not yet started, cannot tolerate the application of positive or negative microvita. But in the case of the male body, as the testes glands are functioning, the application of microvita will not do any harm. Yet females or children will also enjoy divine bliss if they satisfy Parama Purus'a. Only by His grace, by the grace of the supreme, can one attain divine bliss by satisfying Him. In anything and everything human might, human power and human brain are extremely limited. Everyone depends on Him. In the past there was no mass imposition of positive microvita. For the first time the collective application of the positive microvita is being done to elevate the spiritual standard of the general mass. 8) Question: What causes an unpleasant odour in the body? Answer: Due to the accumulation of dead protoplasmic cells, a bad smell arises in the body. The reason for this is not taking a proper bath and washing away the dead cells. In certain animals and plants, due to the secretion of smelly hormones, an unpleasant odour is emitted from the body. Everyone should take a bath at regular intervals to clean the body and eat vegetarian food. 9) Question: Can you say whether micropsychic movement in individual life or in collective life, in animate or inanimate objects, is of unilateral order or of multilateral order too? Answer: Everything in this world, whether animate or inanimate, moves. Everywhere movement is from imperfection towards perfection, but in circumrotarian style. Not only microcosms but ectoplasms or microvita also move from imperfection towards perfection in circumferential style. Those microvita, or say the collective form of microvita, with the coverage of endoplasm, move in the same style. Each and every microvitum moves according to propensive propulsion wrought by the Macrocosm. Impact and tactuality both come from the Macrocosm. As the microcosm is the unit `I' feeling, it cannot move in so many directions, but it appears to move in many directions. Because movement is always from imperfection to perfection in circumferential style in the unit body, although the movement is in so many directions in the case of the unit `I' or microcosm, the movement is always unilateral, not unilateral. 10) Question: What is the relationship between the collective body of ectoplasm and microcosm, and the relationship between endoplasm and microcosm? Is there an inter-ectoplasmic gap that links up the unit mind with something external? Answer: So many microcosms, so many microvita, are there. They have not got clear `I' feeling. Their existence is more of physical nature than of psychic nature. The collective body of microvita is another name of carbon atom. Carbon atom is another name of so many microvita with so many specialities, with so many characteristics. The collective body of microvita is the collective `I' feeling maintaining a relationship with the physical body. There is no such relationship in the case of a dead physical structure. The relationship is inert. In animate and inanimate objects there is the intra-atomic gap; there is the intra-microvitum gap, inter-carbonic gap and so on, but these gaps are not vacua. They are filled with macropsychic connation. The collective body of microvita is carbon atom, and when carbon atoms are in cohesion with other carbonic atoms, `I' feeling is created. As coverage of these collective bodies there is endoplasm. In animate objects there are intra-protoplasmic and inter- protoplasmic gaps. These gaps are also not vacua; they are also filled with macropsychic connation. So far as a microcosm is concerned, it is composed of ectoplasm but the movement of ectoplasm is decided by the movement of microvita. They move in circumrotarian style wrought by Macrocosm. 11) Question: What is the structural formula of microvita? Answer: Previously, people were under the impression that molecules were the minutest particles of elements. Later it was found that atoms, not molecules, were the minutest entities. Still later it was discovered that even an atom is not the minutest particle, for atoms are made of electrons, protons and many other imaginary and non-imaginary particles. So, neither atoms nor molecules are the minutest particles of elements because they are composed of many other particles of the expressed world. People are under the impression that something called a "virus" is the minutest living being. But virus is a vague term; there is in fact nothing like a virus -- thus the question of it being a living being does not arise. Microvitum is the minutest entity. The collection of microvita forms a carbon atom. As a microvitum is the minutest entity, it cannot have a structure like that of an atom or a solar system. As a microvitum is a singular entity, it has no structure. By nature it is more energy than matter, so it travels and moves through inferences, whereas other entities cannot move through inferences. 12) Question: What is the difference between positive microvitum and negative microvitum? Answer: Positive microvitum is pro-ectoplasmic -- it is more ectoplasmic than matter. Negative microvitum is pro-materialistic -- it is more matter than mind, than ectoplasm. Positive microvitum, being more of ectoplasmic nature, starts functioning or working first in the mental level then filters down towards physical matter. Negative microvitum starts functioning in matter and moves towards the mind, towards ectoplasmic stuff and endoplasmic coverage. 13) Question: What are the possible physiological effects of the application of positive or negative microvita? How and why do they take place? Answer: If a large quantity of positive or negative microvita enter a person, there may be instantaneous or gradual death. If the body is not properly developed, as in the case of boys below 16 years of age, or in the case of women whose minds are very sentimental, the application of positive or negative microvita may bring about instantaneous death. To receive positive microvita, the body should not be carnivorous; it must be vegetarian. Non-vegetarians are not fit to receive the application of positive microvita. Positive or negative microvita can affect the protoplasmic cells of a structure directly, and even bring about a change in the genetic structure. Even the sex of a person can change due to the application of positive or negative microvita. The glands and sub-glands also are directly affected by negative or positive microvita, which in this way influence the hormone secretions as well as the nerve cells or nerve fibres. One may gain or lose memory or gain or loose strength as a result of positive or negative microvita.
14) Question: What are the possible psychological effects of the application of positive or negative microvita, and how and why do they take place? Answer: The psychological impact of microvita occurs due to their influence on the plexii, and through the plexii all the three types of vrttis (propensities of the mind) are affected -- pro-physical propensities, psychic propensities and pro-spiritual propensities. All the fifty vrttis are affected by positive or negative microvita. The positive microvita, being pro-ectoplasmic, can move both towards the subtler existence of the human spirit and also towards the cruder manifestations of human existence, but negative microvita, being pro-matter, can move only downwards. Negative microvita can function directly at the physico-psychic plexus (at the Vishuddha Cakra) but they cannot move upwards to the occult plexus (at the Guru Cakra). Only with the application of force by a powerful personality, can they be raised to the lunar plexus (at the A'jina Cakra). This raising of negative microvita above the physico-psychic plexus is called "rusti" or "risti". The application of negative microvita on the human mind deranges the mind and causes many psychic ailments such as eccentricity, schizophrenia, mania, melancholia, etc. In the case of positive microvita, the reaction takes place after they cross the lunar plexus, both in female and male bodies. Only positive microvita can touch the lunar plexus and be elevated up to the occult plexus. They start their journey in the lunar plexus, and as they move upwards they increase their speed and bring about acceleration in spiritual progress, both in the case of males and females. (Positive microvita may also be used for intellectual development and for imparting certain occult powers.) The lunar plexus is the highest point of positive microvita, but if they are raised upwards to the occult plexus, this is called "krpa'" (grace). And raising positive microvita from the lunar plexus to the pinnacled point of human glory is called "karun'a'". Without krpa' there cannot be karun'a'; there cannot be any galloping jump. You should always try to avoid rusti, the raising of negative microvita, and always try to receive the glamour of krpa' or karun'a'. 15) Question: What will happen to microvita at the boiling point, and at freezing temperatures? Will they die? Answer: No, they will undergo contraction and hibernation at freezing temperature and expansion and hibernation at boiling temperature. Negative microvita will die a natural death after their natural life span. In order to kill negative microvita before the end of their life span, the number of positive microvita has to be increased by good thinking and sa'dhana' (spiritual practice). Only by increasing the number of positive microvita is the unnatural death of negative microvita possible. If under extreme conditions of temperature microvita died, then some of the diseases now prevalent would have ceased to exist, but this has not happened. Rather, diseases have become more complicated -- malaria has become malignant malaria. During the First World War the decaying bodies of dead soldiers attracted negative microvita from other stars and thus the influenza disease originated. Even now influenza is fatal to human beings in cold countries. Influenza has a natural duration of four days whether medicine is taken or not. When negative microvita devour the positive microvita of a diseased person, then that person dies. Medicines only reduce the pain caused by disease in different parts of the body, and so it is not proper to say that medicine cures a disease. The disease can be cured only when the numbers of positive microvita are increased, and they devour the negative microvita. There are certain person who can cure diseases merely by touch. The science behind this is also the application of positive microvita. And the cause of the decomposition of anything over time is negative microvita. When a person is attacked by negative microvita and certain symptoms are observed, it is called "prognosis", and when the symptoms develop in the final stage of the disease, it is called "diagnosis". 25 September 1987, Calcutta *************** 16) Question: If the medicine or mother tincture required for homeopathic medicine is prepared in a sentient environment which contains positive microvita, will the medicine prepared from that medium or mother tincture have more effect than ordinary medicine available in the market? Answer: There is no doubt that the medicine prepared in a sentient environment by sentient people, from a medium or mother tincture which is also prepared in a sentient environment, will attract more positive microvita than ordinary medicines, so it will have a much greater effect in curing a patient. If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita before initiation and does dhya'na sincerely after initiation, the disease will not spread but be contained. However, for different types of diseases one has to follow different food restrictions and practice dhya'na at specific times. If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita after initiation, does dhya'na perfectly and follows certain food restrictions, the disease will be completely cured. Dhya'na attracts many positive microvita. Negative microvita can only be controlled by positive microvita. The positive microvita eat the negative microvita and this is the reason why the disease is cured. For example, if a person is suffering from jaundice, a disease caused by negative microvita, and if dhya'na is practised perfectly, the disease will be cured very quickly. In the case of cancer, say stomach cancer, certain food restrictions will have to be strictly followed. When pain starts in the stomach one should sit for dhya'na, but just prior to this one should take some juice from a sweet tasting, not a sour tasting fruit. After performing dhya'na, one should take another drink which is different from the first drink. The patient should also avoid any food which causes gas in the stomach, such as pappad, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, etc. *************** 17) Question: What does archaeological history say -- has there been any collective influence of positive or negative microvita on this earth or in the entire cosmos? And what is your guess regarding Atlantis, Oceanis and Gondwanaland? Answer: Human beings came here one million years ago, but the history of civilisation starts from the time of the Rg Veda, fifteen thousand years ago. From one million years ago to fifteen thousand years ago -- for so many years, nine hundred and eighty-five thousand years, between the Miocene and the Oligocene ages -- was human society in a dormant state? Humans invented pictorial letters less than seven thousand years ago. A full-fledged civilisation, with the four symbols of advancement -- agriculture, the wheel, dress and script -- started seven thousand years ago. Is there any role of microvita, positive or negative? It is another question. With regard to civilisation, there has been little progress during the long span of nine hundred and eighty-five thousand years. All the progress has taken place within the last fifteen thousand years, from the time of the Rg Veda, the oldest unwritten book of the world. (At that time people could not write). Do microvita influence the mind first, or matter first, of any human or living structure? Negative microvita can function directly at the physico-psychic plexus, but they cannot reach even directly to the occult plexus. Only positive microvita can touch the lunar plexus and they may be elevated up to the occult plexus, but negative microvita may be elevated to the lunar plexus by another course. If negative microvita affect the mind, the mind may undergo derangement, but negative microvita cannot affect the mind directly.
Positive microvita may be used for intellectual development and for imparting certain occult powers, but not for spiritual power or spiritual development. Suppose a man is deaf and dumb. As the functions of hearing and speech are controlled by nerve cells or nerve fibres, they are activated with the help of nerve cells or nerve fibres. Nerve cells are controlled with the help of the lunar plexus. Positive microvita may function directly up to the lunar plexus, but there at the lunar plexus, if positive microvita are to influence the nerve cells, they require some special power. Positive microvita cannot do something supernatural with the help of the nerve cells -- they require some special power of some powerful person. Suppose the Sadguru is saying something, and the deaf or dumb man wants to hear it but cannot. If one concentrates the mind on Bara'bhaya Mudra', there will be the direct effect of positive microvita on the auricular or other nerve cells and also on the controlling cells, and it may be that all of a sudden he may get back the power of hearing. One should look towards these two mudra's and not to anything else. Microvita are radiated through these two mudra's. This is the inner secret. This is supernatural, but not illogical. Certainly it is supernatural because it does not come within the scope of natural phenomena. Here the inner secret does not lie with microvita, it depends on something else. During the last Vaeshakii Purnima at A'nanda Nagar, there were many spiritual aspirants who wanted that the speed of our progress should be accelerated regarding the establishment of A'nanda Marga on this planet. Did you mark that after Dharma Maha Cakra (D.M.C.) the speed has accelerated? This is the effect of positive microvita through these two mudra's. If a deaf man sincerely wants to hear what the Sadguru is saying, the positive microvita radiated through these two mudra's are sure to help him -- they will certainly help him. During this D.M.C., some boys mentally expressed that we should go on fighting. Now see our boys and girls will go on fighting, and fight in the realm of spirituality means victory. The highest point up to which negative microvita can function is the physico-psychic plexus, but with the application of some force they can be raised up to the lunar plexus. This raising is called "risti" or "rusti". The lunar plexus is the highest point of positive microvita, but if positive microvita are raised above this point, it is called "krpa'". That is, raising positive microvita from the lunar plexus to the occult plexus is called "krpa'". And raising them from the lunar plexus to the pinnacled point of human glory is called "karun'a'". Without krpa' there cannot be karun'a', there cannot be any galloping jump. Raising negative microvita above the psycho-physical plexus is "rusti" or "risti". You should always try to avoid rusti and always try to receive the glamour of krpa' or karun'a'. 7 January 1988, Calcutta *************** 18) Question: What is the biological reaction of microvita on the physical body? What biological changes take place if microvita are added to protoplasmic cells? Answer: In the case of positive microvitum, if it enters the body suddenly death may take place, particularly in the case of those bodies which are not properly developed, say in the case of boys below sixteen. In the case of women where the mind is very sentimental, death may take place even in the case of positive microvita. In the case of positive microvita, good reactions take place after they move above the lunar plexus. Positive microvita increase their speed above the lunar plexus. Spiritual advancement is accelerated after crossing the lunar plexus, both in the case of male bodies and female bodies. The recipient should be vegetarian, not carnivorous. Those who follow a non- vegetarian diet are not fit for the application of positive microvita. When I microvite someone I usually ask, "When did you last take fish and meat?" Microvita may affect the glands and sub-glands or the nuclei of the nerve cells, and even the transformation of species and the transformation of sex may occur. Microvita may directly affect the plexii, and through the plexii the mental propensities or vrttis are affected. Vrttis or propensities are of three types -- pro-physical propensities, psychic propensities and pro-spiritual propensities. All these three types of vrttis are affected. A person may become eccentric or experience a reaction of schizophrenia, mania or melancholia, or one may experience both psychic and physical disease. 9 January 1988, Calcutta *************** 19) Question: What is the silver lining between the quinquelmental universe and idea -- that is, between the initial stage of matter and microvita? Answer: Microvita are the initial stage of matter. Although they are matter they are very, very subtle. All of a sudden microvita are transmuted into matter and matter is transmuted into microvita. For investigating the initial stage of matter, research is not possible in physical laboratories, but it is possible in the human mind and human soul. Microvitum is closer to the realm of ideas than matter. Then, what is the silver line of demarcation between matter and idea? Of that silver lining, the outside is matter and the other side, the inner side, is idea. That is, this silver lining is made of the initial stage of matter and the cruder stage of idea. If you consider that the atom is the constituent of matter, likewise idea is the constituent of microvita. If matter maintains a close proximity to microvita, microvita maintains a close proximity to idea. Here is the line of demarcation. That is, if you powder down atoms then you get microvita, but if microvita could be powdered down you would get idea. Just as atoms are not perceived by the naked eye, but only by experimental results, similar is the case with microvita. But while atomic research can be done in physical laboratories, microvita research can only be done in the human mind and soul. So, microvita are the initial stage of matter. Microvita are the silver lining between idea and matter, though they are closer to the realm of ideas than matter. 19 May 1989, Calcutta *************** 20) Question: What is the difference between the effect of microvita on developed creatures and the effect of microvita on undeveloped creatures? Answer: Microvita make no difference or find no difference amongst different living beings. In living beings with complex structures there are different glands and sub-glands which secrete different types of hormones. Microvita develop, invigorate, increase or decrease the hormone secretions of these glands and sub-glands, therefore developed beings -- physically and psychologically complex beings -- have greater scope to progress through the aid of microvita than undeveloped creatures. This is the difference between the effect of microvita on developed creatures and the effect on undeveloped creatures. Let us take an example. On a moonlit night light is showered equally on one and all, but not everyone can utilise that light properly. The moon cannot be blamed for this. Similarly, microvita emanating from the cosmic factor are for one and all. *************** 21) Question: What is the relationship amongst waves, sub-waves and microvita? Answer: Microvita pervade both the ectoplasmic and endoplasmic worlds, and their presence creates various wavelengths. Waves are created when microvita move through the media of inferences. Inferences are the major waves, but sub-waves are created in them by moving microvita. The major waves function as the controlling waves for the sub-waves. When there is a change in the wavelength of a controlling wave, the entire inference, with all its qualities, gets transmuted. However, if there is a change in the wavelengths of the sub-waves only, the qualities contained in the major wave -- that is, in the inference -- change. For example, solid objects contain all the fundamental factors, hence they carry the five inferences of smell, taste, form, touch and sound. If the microvita moving through the particular smell inference of a solid object are changed without effecting the major wavelength, the solid would not be changed because there would be no change in the major wavelength, although there would be a qualitative change in all the five attributes of it. But if the major wavelength -- that is, the inferential wave -- of the solid object undergoes a change, all the inferences will be transmuted accordingly.