Origin of Humans matches as told in Vedas Below Videos will Prove that Human were present millions and billions of years ago.. present even at the times of Dinosaurs... It matches with the Sanatan (Hindu) scriptures and Vedas.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1yLV87wVeo&feature=related Below is short writeup to get an idea about videos http://www.forbiddenarcheology.com/ check out the above link for images __________________ *Anomalous Artifacts* __________________ 1.Grooved Sphere from South Africa Figure A2.9 A metallic sphere from South Africa with three parallel grooves around its equator (photo courtesy of Roelf Marx). The sphere was found in a Precambrian mineral deposit, said to be 2.8 billion years old. [p. 813, Forbidden Archeology] ____________________________________________ 2.Ancient Coin from Illinois Fig. A2.3 This coinlike object, from a well boring near Lawn Ridge, Illinois, was reportedly found at a depth of about 114 feet below the surface (Winchell 1881, p. 170). According to information supplied by the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old. [p. 801, Forbidden Archeology] ____________________________________________ 3.Mysterious Letters from a Quarry Figure A2.1 Raised letterlike shapes found inside a block of marble from a quarry near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Corliss 1978, p. 657; American Journal of Science 1831, vol. 19, p. 361). The block of marble came from a depth of 60-70 feet in strata dated 500-600 million years old. [p. 797, Forbidden Archeology] ____________________________________________ ______________________ *Ancient Skulls and Bones* ______________________ 1.Reck's Skeleton The first significant African discovery related to human origins occurred in 1913 when Professor Hans Reck, of Berlin University, found a human skeleton in the upper part of Bed II at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Modern dating methods give a late Early Pleistocene date of around 1.15 million years for this site. Reck said, "The bed in which the human remains were found....showed no sign of disturbance." The skeleton was distorted by compression from the weight of substantial accumulation of sediment in the overlying strata. W. O. Dietrich, writing in 1933, stated that this feature of the skeleton argued against its being a recent, shallow burial. George Grant MacCurdy, a leading anthropologist from Yale University, considered Reck's discovery to be genuine. [pp. 630-631, Forbidden Archeology] ______________________ 2.Fig. 6.4 Castenedolo Skull This anatomically modern human skull (Sergi 1884, plate 1) was found in 1880 at Castenedolo, Italy. The stratum from which it was taken is assigned to the Astian stage of the Pliocene (Oakley 1980, p. 46). According to modern authorities (Harland et al, 1982, p. 110), the Astian belongs to the Middle Pliocene, wihch would give the skull an age of 3-4 million years. [p. 424, Forbidden Archeology] ______________________ 3.Javaman Thighbone In August 1892, Eugene Dubois discovered a fossilized humanlike femur on the bank of the Solo River in central Java, near the village of Trinil. 45 feet from this location he found a skullcap and molars. Dubois believed the molars, skull, and femur all came from the same being. However, the fact that these bones were found 45 feet from the place where the skull was unearthed, in a stratum containing hundreds of other animal bones makes doubtful the claim that both the thighbone and the skull actually belonged to the same creature or even the same species. In 1895 Dubois presented his findings to the Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology, and Prehistory.The president of the society, Dr. Virchow declared that the femur was human and the skull belonged to an ape. Late in his life, Dubois concluded that the skullcap belonged to a large gibbon, an ape not considered by evolutionists to be closely related to humans. But this concept of the "missing link" is still widely promoted today! [pp. 464-465, Forbidden Archeology] A Challenge to Darwinism Just a dozen years after Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species in 1859, growing numbers of scientists and other educated persons considered it impossible, indeed laughable, to suppose that humans were anything other than the modified descendants of an ancestral line of apelike creatures. According to Darwinists, the first undisputed fossil evidence for life on earth goes back about 2 billion years. They say the first apes and monkeys appeared about 40-50 million years ago. The first ape-men (called Australopithecus) appeared about 4 million years ago. These were followed by other apemen called Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Neanderthal man. The first human beings of modern type (Homo sapiens sapiens) appeared only 100,000 or 200,000 years ago. Civilization, according to modern scientists, is less than 10,000 years old. Those who blindly follow Darwin's ideas on human evolution do not see the pattern of suppression inherent in scientific investigation. However, Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson of the Bhaktivedanta Institute investigated hundreds of scientific reports showing that humans or near humans were living millions of years ago in the Pliocene, Miocene, or earlier periods. This evidence was not regarded as anomalous by the scientists who introduced it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, since they were contemplating theories of human origins that were compatible with this evidence. Then, with the development of the modern theory that humans like ourselves evolved within the past 200,000 years in the Late Pleistocene, this evidence became highly unacceptable, and it vanished from sight. Humans exist about 2 billion years ago (Vedas) The Hidden History of the Human Race presents a representative sample of this anomalous evidence suggesting that humans have been on the earth for millions of years, ,just as the ancient Sanskrit writings of the Vedic literatures describe. The Vedic histories inform us that humans have existed since the beginning of the day of Brahma, about 2 billion years ago. Cremo and Thompson conclude that even the conventionally accepted evidence does not offer a cohesive picture of the missing link; instead, the multiplicity of proposed evolutionary linkages among the hominids in Africa creates a very confusing scheme of human evolution. They call for a drastic revision of the now-dominant assumptions about human origins. New Evidence Challenges Darwin’s Theory HUMAN DEVOLUTION: A VEDIC ALTERNATIVE TO DARWIN'S THEORY : Michael Cremo "We did not evolve up from matter; instead we devolved, or came down, from the realm of pure consciousness, spirit," says Cremo. He bases his response on modern science and the world's great wisdom traditions, including the Vedic philosophy of ancient India. Cremo proposes that before we ask the question, "Where did human beings come from? we should first contemplate, "What is a human being?" Cremo asserts that humans are a combination of matter, mind, and consciousness (or spirit). Human Devolution contains solid scientific evidence showing how a subtle mind element and a conscious self that can exist apart from the body have been systematically eliminated from mainstream science by a process of knowledge filtration. "Any time knowledge filtration takes place you can expect a great deal of resistance, criticism, and ridicule when it is exposed and challenged," says Cremo. Please watch the videos for more details....