Sacral Chakra

Discussion in 'Spiritual Forum' started by garry420, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    The Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel in the lower belly. This is your 2nd chakra and is also called the spleen

    chakra. The ancient Sanskrit word for this chakra is Swadhisthana Chakra, and it means “Sacred home of the self.”

    This chakra holds the energy of creativity, procreation, sex, morality, and control. Your dreams fantasies and emotions are also governed by this chakra.

    Through this chakra you get your sense of freedom and being open to change. It allows flexibility and flow in your life.

    In BalanceWhen this chakra is in balance you flourish with the qualities of sensitivity and intuition. You are idealistic and a dreamer. You also do well with change and are able to go with the flow of life. You have a strong sense of self and what you want and find creative ways to get it.

    All creative ideas and impulses originate from your Sacral Chakra.

    Out of BalanceYou may have a tendency toward being over-emotional or very theatrical. Keeping yourself grounded may be difficult and you can get overly caught up in day dreams. Your creativity may become blocked and dealing with change can be difficult.

    Frustration can build and turn into aggressive behavior. You could have feeling of being unsettled and stuck, feeling as if you have no choice.

    The Water ElementThe Sacral Chakra represents liquid. There is a connection between the planet and your body; both are made up of a significant amount of water.

    MeditationMeditating with the water element in mind will help you tap into the flow of this chakra’s energy. You will also become more attuned with the flow of life. Energize your meditation space with a beautiful bowl filled with water. Anything related to water will do, sea shells, coral, even a picture of fish swimming in the ocean.

    Taking a relaxing shower or bath before meditating will help bring the sense and essence of the water element into your awareness. Feel the water as it flows over your body becoming one with it.

    Use your imagination and visualize a gentle flowing stream. Try to feel the fluidity of your body. Imagine you are floating downstream without a care in the world.

    • Affirmations
      “I follow the flow of my natural abilities.”
      “I float downstream with all life situations that come my way.”
      “I change and adapt easily to whatever comes my way.”
      “I follow my dreams and trust my decisions.”
      “I let go of old negative feelings and open to new ways of thinking.”
      “I welcome new ideas and go with the flow.”
    Keep in mind these words of wisdom, “Go with the flow,” and let your spirit guide you
  2. Sacral Chakra is also called as Svadhisthana Chakra

    Location –the sacrum
    Gland/Organ – Ovaries and testes.
    Element – water
    Sound – vam
    Colour - orange

    This Chakra is associated with pleasure seeking through the tongue and genitals
    This chakra is more rajasic (mode of passion) in nature as it is the stimulus to carry out our desires.
    Sometimes the two lower Chakras, Muladhara and Svadhisthana are grouped together because of their similarity as being concerned with our basic instincts and their close proximity to one another. They are both governed by apana vayu.
    Because it is associated with the water element, activation of this chakra regulates the flow of fluids in our body

    Yoga Poses which are said to affect this chakra are seated forward bends, adductor stretches, mula bandha, and the low back bends like the Locust.

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