MITTANI EMPIRE which is modern day Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Israel. “The first Mitanni king was Sutarna I (good sun). He was followed by Baratarna I (or Paratarna great sun), Parasuksatra(ruler with axe),…. Saustatar (Sauksatra, son of Suksatra, the good ruler), Artadama (abiding in cosmic law)..Tushratta (Dasaratha), and finally Matiwazza (Mativaja, whose wealth is thought) during whose lifetime the Mitanni state appears to have become a vassal to Assyria” and is traced to the ‘arna’ syllable in the names of the kings to ‘araNi’ (अरणि) meaning ‘sun’… A number of Indo-European sounding words have been identified in the cuneiform documents of the Mitanni kingdom (1500-1200 BC). In addition to nouns and adjectives with parallels in Sanskrit this Hurrian speaking kingdom had kings with Indo-Aryan names and two documents even list the main Gods of the Indian pantheon… This kingdom arose at about 1500 BCE and primarily followed gods such as Mitra, Indra, Varuna, Mitra that are a core part of the Vedic tradition. Almost all Mittani kings have Sanskrit names such as Tushratta and Artatama and hadconnections to western kingdoms alluded to in Mahabharata. By about 1480 BC Mitanni had been unified under Parrattarna, the Hurrian overlord of king Idrimi. The name Parattarna means 'Superior Sun' or 'Great Sun' in Sanskrit [Para (पर) meaning ''superior' or 'great'. Tarna or Tarni (तर्णि) meaning Sun]. Tarna (तरण) means 'heaven' or 'crossing over' in Sanskrit and really points to 'crossing over to heaven' or attaining moksha. Nevertheless, the word 'tarna' emerges repeatedly in the names of Mittani royalty. names include Shuttarna (शत-तरण), Parratarna (पर-तरण) and Artatarna (अर्थ-तरण). The word 'ratha' (रथ) meaning chariot also occurs repeatedly, example - Tushratta and Chittaratta, akin to the Dasharatha of Ramayana. Or the name 'ratta' may be used in the sense of रत, which means joyful. Tusha and Chitta mean 'splendid' and 'mind or thought'. The Vedic Gods such as Mitra, Varuna and Indra were also invoked in many of the treaties that the Mittani signed with other kingdoms. Egyptian sources refer to the Mittani as Egyptian 'nhrn', the Assyro-Akkadian word for 'river'. 'Nhrn' itself may have had Sanskrit roots as 'nihar (नीहार), 'nihar means 'heavy dew', 'snow', 'fog', or 'mist' in Sanskrit. Indian scholars have long argued that there was a major Vedic influence on Egypt. Here is a photograph from the book 'Egyptian Myths and Legends". It shows, as the caption says 'The Deviser and Builder of the very first Pyramid'. The builder is wearing a Vedic 'tilak' (or mark) on his forehead, fore-arms and abdomen.