Shri Ram Navami Puja Vidhi

Discussion in 'Hindu Festivals' started by Aum, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Aum

    Aum New Member

    “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasdudevayah”
    Shri Ram Navami is one of the biggest festivals for us and also the biggest opportunity to get the blessings of Supreme Lord. All of us must offer our reverence to Bhagvan Shri Ram, who himself is the Supreme Lord Incarnated as Perfect Human(Maryada Purushottam).
    Though most of Hindus are already performing Shri Ram Navami Puja as per their capacity taking the help of appropriate priest.
    But for those who are not living incountry and have no access to any priest may use following methods for perform Shri Ram navami puja.

    Shri Ram Navami Puja

    1. Start Sri Rama Puja with Dhyanam (Dhyana slokam)
    Sri Raghavam Dasarathatmaja Maprameyam
    Seta Pathim Raghu Kulanvaya Rathna Deepam
    Aajanubahum Aravinda Dalayathaksham
    Ramam Nisachara Vinashakaram Namami
    Apadamapa Hartharam Datharam Sarva Sampadam
    Lokabhi Ramam Sriramam Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham

    2. Invite Sri Rama and his parivara for puja. (Avahanam)

    Om Sri Sitha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha Avahayami

    3. Offer seat to Sri Rama and his parivara (Ratna Simhasanam)

    Om Sri Sitha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Rathna Simhasanam Samarpayami
    Vaidehi Sahitham Suradruma Thale Haime Maha Mantape
    Madhye Pushpakamasane Manimaye Virasane Susthitham
    Agre Vachayathi Prabhanjana Suthe Thaththvam Munibhyah Param
    Vyakhyantham Bharatha Dibhih Parivrutham Ramam Bhaje Syamalam

    4. Clean your hands, feet and mouth offer water to Lord Rama and his parivara for cleaning their hands, feet and mouth.
    Om Sri Sitha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Arghyam Samarpayami
    (Show and sprinkle water to Lord’s hands and put in another bowl)
    Om Sri Sitha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Padyam Samarpayami
    (show water to Lord’s feet and put in another bowl – do 2 times)
    Om Sri Sitha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Achamanam Samarpayami
    (show water to Lord’s mouth put in another bowl – do 3 times)

    5. Offer shower to Lord Rama (and his parivara). Sprinkle a little water with a petal.
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Snanam Samarpayami

    6. Offer a flower to Lord Rama as a towel.
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Plotha Vasthram Samarpayami

    7. Offer a flower to Lord Rama as soft silk clothes
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Vasthra Yugmam Samarpayami

    8. Offer a flower to Lord Rama as thilakam on their forehead
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Urdhva Pundran Samarpayami

    9. Offer a flower to Lord as ornaments to adorn and dress up.
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Divya Abharana Alankaran Samarpayami

    10. Offer flowers to Lord Rama at his lotus feet chanting a few of His names

    11. Light up an incense stick and offer the fragrance to Lord and His parivara
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Dhupam Samarpayami

    12. Light up an auspicious lamp and show it to Lord Ram
    Om sri sita ramachandra parabrahmane namaha
    deepam samarpayami

    13. Offer fruits or other eatables to Lord Sri Rama
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Naivedyam Samarpayami
    Ya Prithir Vidurarpithe Muraripo Kunthyarpithe Ya Drusi
    Ya Govardhana Murdhni Ya Cha Pruthuke Sthanye Yasodarpithe
    Bharadwaja Samarpithe Sabarika Datthe Adhare Yo Shitham
    Ya Prithir Munipathni Bhakthi Rachithe Prithyarpithe Tham Kuru

    14. Light up camphor (Karpura) and show it to Lord Rama in a clockwise direction (Aarti and Nirajanam)
    Om Sri Sita Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha
    Nirajanam Samarpayami
    Mangalam Kosalendraya Mahaniya Gunathmane
    Chakravarthi Thanujaya Sarva Bhaumaya Mangalam
    Sriyah Kanthaya Kalyana Nidhaye Nidhayerthinam
    Sri Venkata Nivasaya Srinivasaya Mangalam
    Mangalasasana Paraih Madacharya Purogamaih
    Sarvaischa Purvaih Acharyaih Sathkruthayasthu Mangalam

    15. Request Lord Sri Ram to forgive our mistakes and surrender to them
    Kayena Vacha Manasendriyairva
    Buddhyathma Nava Prakruthe Ssvabhavath
    Karomi Yadyath Sakalam Parasmai
    Narayanayethi Samarpayami

    16. Pray for the welfare of the all the creatures in the whole universe
    Swasthi prajabhayaha paripalayantham
    Nyayena margena mahim mahisaha
    Gobrahamanebhyas subhamasthu nithyam
    Loka ssamastha ssukhino bhavanthu
    Sarvam sri Krishnarpanamasthu
    17. Offer a flower as a nice bed to Lord Rama.
    Also remember our guru and chant the santhi manthram thanking them for conducting this puja without any hassle.
    Om purnamidam purnamadaha purnath purnamudachyathe
    Om purnasya purnamadaya purnameva avasishyathe
    Om namah parama rushibhyo namah parama rushibhyaha
    Om namah parama rushibhyo namah parama rushibhyaha
    Om Asmath gurubhyo namaha
    18. Take the thirtham and drink while chanting the slokam before taking thirtham (charanamruth). Do this three times separately.
    Akala mruthyu haranam sarva vyadhi nivaranam
    samastha papa kshayakaram vishnu padodakam pavanam subham

    19. Take prasadam for yourself and also distribute it to everyone who are there during Puja and also welcome other devotees and distribute thirtham and prasada. Some devotees also perform Sri Sita Rama Kalyanam (celestial wedding of Sita and Lord Sri Ram) on Rama Navami. Ram Navami is also the culmination day of Ram Navratri. The idols worshipped during Navratri are moved to other place as per some traditions and some immerse the idols in water and some take them to nearest temple to keep there.

    “Shri Hari Om Tat Sat”

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