Sri Hanuman Overcomes His Fears

Discussion in 'Hanuman' started by Speechless world, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. Speechless world

    Speechless world New Member

    Doubt, Fear, Worry, Panic. Such emotions are generally attributed to those weak in spirit, timid at heart and faltering in mind. Surely great heroes and champions never fall prey to such weaknesses. Or do they?

    The following excerpts from the Ramayana are quite revealing in this matter.

    From the Sundara Kanda (The Beautiful Chapter) entitled "Hanuman Enters the City of Lanka"

    "Upon reaching the northern gate, which resembled the entrance to Kuvera’s capital Alakapuri on Mountain Kailasa and which was scraping the sky with its mansions and holding up the firmament, Hanuman became thoughtful. The city was overrun with fearsome rakshasas (cannibals), just as Bhogavati is with Serpent Naga Beings. It was inconceivable, well-constructed, clearly visible and had previously been inhabited by Kuvera. It was guarded by many frightful fanged rakshasas carrying spikes and sharp spears in their hands, like a cave full of poisonous snakes. Considering the formidable defences and the ocean surrounding it and the sinister enemy Ravana, Hanuman began thinking in the following way:

    “The coming of the Vanara armies here would be completely useless, for Lanka cannot be defeated in battle, not even by the demigods. What would the strong-armed Rama be able to do when coming to Lanka, whose terrain is rugged, difficult to penetrate and protected by Ravana? I see no possibility of subduing the rakshasas by persuasion, gifts, sowing dissension among them, or through battle and warfare. Only four agile monkeys are able to leap this distance—Angada, Nila, Sugriva and myself. Meanwhile, I shall verify whether Sita is alive or not. After finding Sita I will consider what should be done next.”

    Standing on the mountain slope, that greatest of monkeys thought for a while about how to accomplish Rama’s mission. Hanuman thought: “Because Lanka is guarded by fierce and powerful rakshasas, I cannot enter it in my present form. The rakshasas are extremely energetic, vigorous and strong. I must therefore deceive them in order to search for Sita. To accomplish this great task, I should enter the city of Lanka at night in a form which is unrecognizable except by my exploits.”

    Seeing that city which was difficult to assault even for gods and demons, Hanuman sighed repeatedly doubting his chances and thought: “How can I find Sita, the Princess of Mithila, without being seen by the evil-minded rakshasa Ravana? How will I be able to meet Sita in private so that Rama’s mission is not spoiled? Goals which are all but accomplished are ruined by a hesitant messenger who acts contrary to time and place, just as darkness is dispelled by the dawn. Even a decision regarding what should be done and what should not be done becomes ruined by an unqualified messenger. Messengers who consider themselves wise ruin all endeavors in such circumstances. How can I prevent the mission from being spoiled? How can I avoid insecurity? And I wonder how I can ensure that my jumping across the ocean was not in vain.

    Hanuman contemplated to himself, "If I am discovered by the rakshasas, then the mission of the wise Rama, who wishes to checkmate Ravana, will be fruitless. It is impossible for anyone to remain here unrecognized by the rakshasas, even if one were to assume the form of a rakshasa, what to speak of any other form. I think that even the wind cannot blow here without being detected by the rakshasas whose activities are dreadful. If I remain here clothed with my natural form, I will be killed and my master’s goal will be stopped. Therefore, I shall make myself very small and enter Lanka at night in order to carry out Lord Rama’s mission. Entering at night Ravana’s city, which is most inaccessible, I shall discover Sita.”

    Seeing the inconceivable and amazing city and the defesnes of Lanka, Hanuman was despondent yet he felt joyful knowing that he would see Sita very soon.

    From the Sundara Kanda (The Beautiful Chapter) entitled "Hanuman Stopped by a Rakshasi"

    The city resounded with the cries of herons and was frequented by royal swans. On all sides could be heard the sound of clarinets and the tinkling of bells. It was like a duplicate of the city of Alakapuri.

    Gazing at that beautiful and opulent city ruled by Ravana, Hanuman began thinking: “Protected as it is by Ravana’s soldiers bearing weapons in their hands, this city cannot be overwhelmed by anyone. This land can only be penetrated by Kumuda and Angada, or else by the great monkey Sushena, as well as by Mainda and Dvivida. It could also be penetrated by Sugriva, Kushaparna, Jambavan and I certainly can as well.” Hanuman then considered the prowess of the mighty-armed Rama and the valor of Lakshmana and once again felt enlivened.


    Here we can see that the greatest hero of all Sri Hanuman displayed doubt and concern as to whether even Lord Rama could defeat Ravana. While many religious types point to such emotions as a weakness and a failure of faith, we can see by this example that such emotions are the norm.

    What really matters is how one deals with these fears. By focusing on the mission of finding Mother Sita Hanuman was able to overcome his doubts and eventually achieve the greatest success in accomplishing the Mission of Sri Ramachandra.
    Written by Vrndavan Parker

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