The glimpse of Vedas

Discussion in 'Vedas' started by garry420, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. garry420

    garry420 Well-Known Member

    ~ वेद ~

    The word Veda is derived from the Sanskrit root word “Vid” meaning “to know”. They were revelations that occurred to the Vedic rishis in deep meditation. So ancient are they that they are also referred to as ‘apaurushiya’ – not authored by man and ‘anadi’ – without a beginning in terms of time. They come to us in the form of Suktams which mean ‘beautiful statements’. They are regarded as the supreme authority, the scripture that forms the core and foundation of Hinduism.

    || Veda Stuti ||

    आ ब्रह्मा ब्राह्मणों ब्रह्मवर्चसी जागताम।
    आ राष्ट्रे राजन्य: इषव्योति ज्योति व्याधी महारथो जायताम।
    दोग्ध्री धेनुर्वोदानउवानाशु: सप्ति पुरन्धिर्योषा
    विष्णु रथेष्ठा समेयो युवास्य यजमानस्य वीरो जायताम।
    निकामें निकामें न: पर्जन्यो वर्षतु फलवत्यो न ओषधाय पच्यन्ताम।
    योग क्षेत्रो न: कल्पताम।।

    || ऋग्वेद ||
    || Rig-Veda ||

    Rig-Veda is the oldest available literature of mankind. The word ‘Rig’ in Sanskrit means ‘praise’ and the hymns of the Rig-Veda are an expression of adoration and worship addressed to the various Vedic deities, such as Indra, Agni, Soma and Surya. They reflected a devotee’s relationship to the deities as a friend, as a child to his parents or as a servant to his master. The introduction of this concept represents the beginning of Vedic philosophy.

    || ॐ ||
    १ तत्सवितुर्वरेन्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि ।
    धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् ।। (३.६२.१०)
    (Gayatri): We meditate on the brilliant light of the creator; who has created the universe; who is worthy of worship; who is the embodiment of knowledge and light; who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance; May He enlighten our intellect. (3.62.10)

    २ युवाकु हि शचीनां युवाकु सुमतीनाम ।
    भूयाम वाजदाव्नाम ।। (१.१७.४)
    yuvāku hi śacīnāṃ yuvāku sumatīnām |
    bhūyāma vājadāvnām ||

    May we be the sharers of your speech and actions and of the benevolence of you., O preachers and learned men, who give knowledge, strength and food so bounteously. Let us therefore utilize the properly. (1.17.4)

    ३ त्वमग्न उरुशंसाय वाघते स्पार्हं यद्रेक्णः परमं वनोषि तत्।
    आध्रस्य चित्प्रमतिरुच्यसे पिता प्र पाकं शास्सि प्र दिशो विदुष्टरः॥ (१.३१.१४)
    O Agni ! Our speech sings your praise. You are for us the Giver of the desirable wealth of wisdom. Be like a father to us, giving us, who are immature and poor of learning, the wealth of knowledge pervades the whole world. (1.31.14)

    ४ ऋतस्य प्रेषा ऋतस्य धीतिर्विश्वायुर्विश्वे अपांसि चक्रुः॥
    यस्तुभ्यं दाशाद्यो वा ते शिक्षात्तस्मै चिकित्वान्रयिं दयस्व॥ (१.६८.५)
    O Agni ! The Upholder of Truth, those whose works are inspired by Truth, have created the living world of vitality. You know those who surrender to you and desire to learn from you; let light and knowledge flow into them. (1.68.5)

    ५ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः।
    स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिर्व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः॥ (१.८९.८)
    O Gods, may our ears listen to the Good, may we, surrendering to you, see the Good with our eyes; with firm and able bodies and limbs, may we live our lives devoting ourselves to the Divine. (1.89.8)

    ६ तं पृच्छता स जगामा स वेद स चिकित्वाँ ईयते सा न्वीयते।
    तस्मिन्सन्ति प्रशिषस्तस्मिन्निष्टयः
    स वाजस्य शवसः शुष्मिणस्पतिः॥ (१.१४५.१)
    Ask (Agni), He moves everywhere; He knows; He is the Conscious One. He alone can lead you. In Him lies true instruction and a life full of meaningful enjoyment. He is the God of valour, vitality and austerity. (1.145.1)

    ७ इन्द्र॒ श्रेष्ठा॑नि॒ द्रवि॑णानि धेहि॒ चित्तिं॒ दक्ष॑स्य सुभग॒त्वम॒स्मे।
    पोषं॑ रयी॒णामरि॑ष्टिं त॒नूनां॑ स्वा॒द्मानं॑ वा॒चः सु॑दिन॒त्वमह्ना॑म्॥ (२.२१.६)
    O Indra! Give us the highest of riches, the skill and knowledge for action. Give us well-being and the vigor of vitality to our limbs. Protect us against injury. May we become sweet of speech and many our days be days full of light. (2.21.6)

    ८ ए॒ता वो॑ व॒श्म्युद्य॑ता यजत्रा॒ अत॑क्षन्ना॒यवो॒ नव्य॑से॒ सम्।
    श्र॒व॒स्यवो॒ वाजं॑ चका॒नाः सप्ति॒र्न रथ्यो॒ अह॑ धी॒तिम॑श्याः॥ (२.३१.७)
    O Gods worthy of my sacrifice, I desire to hear you speak. You are ever new and men created ever new songs for you. Come listen to our songs. May our minds that desire vigour, fly to you with the speed and power of horses that drive chariots. (2.31.7)

    ९ जन्मञ्जन्मन्निहितो जातवेदा विश्वामित्रेभिरिध्यते अजस्रः।
    तस्य वयं सुमतौ यज्ञियस्यापि भद्रे सौमनसे स्याम॥ (३.१.२१)
    Agni, the all-knowing, lives in every living being. We, sages of Vishwamitra family keep his flame alive. He is ever worthy of surrender. May we with lively minds, ever dwell in His beauty and truth. (3.1.21)

    १० ऋतस्य हि शुरुधः सन्ति पूर्वीरृतस्य धीतिर्वृजिनानि हन्ति।
    ऋतस्य श्लोको बधिरा ततर्द कर्णा बुधानः शुचमान आयोः॥ (४.२३.८)
    Pervasive is the nourishment of Truth. The light of Truth destroys evil. The Song of Truth, glowing with knowledge, penetrates the ears of a deaf. (4.23.8)

    ११ यो देवो देवतमो जायमानो महो वाजेभिर्महद्भिश्च शुष्मैः।
    दधानो वज्रं बाह्वोरुशन्तं द्याममेन रेजयत्प्र भूम॥ (४.२२.३)
    He, the God Indra, is the great ever-born Gods. He is full of all-pervasive energy and austere power. With his great weapon, the Vajra, He lifts His arms, shaking the skies and the earth. (4.22.3)

    १२ ज्यायांसमस्य यतुनस्य केतुन ऋषिस्वरं चरति यासु नाम ते।
    यादृश्मिन्धायि तमपस्यया विदद्य उ स्वयं वहते सो अरं करत्॥ (५.४४.८)
    The sages sing songs pronouncing your name. O great and moving Sun God in the heavens, the God who can be seen. Whatever You put your mind to, you achieve through your action. He who contains both the action and its fruit within Himself, really acts. (5.44.8)

    १३ अग्ने पवस्व स्वपा अस्मे वर्चः सुवीर्यम्।
    दधद्रयिं मयि पोषम्॥ (९.६६.२१)
    O Agni, The God of true deeds! Give us righteous valor and splendor of mind. Give to me Your sustenance. (9.66.21)

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