A. WHERE- BHARATA OBSERVED FIRST HOW ~ ANCIENT ASTRONOMY WHY ~ SYMBOLISM OF CONTINUITY OF LIFE & ASSOCIATED WITH PROSPERITY AND LUCK !!! Swastika is an ancient symbol of Vedic Aryans Of Aryavarta. The ancient hindus observed the skies and found out the symbolism as above and recorded in VEDA'S where there are numerous astronomical references in the Vedas that point to the antiquity of Vedic civilisation up to 10,000 BCE.The star Agastya became visible for the first time in India at KanyÀkumari around 10,000 BCE, at Chennai around 8500 BCE, at Hyderabad 7200 BCE, in the Vindhya region around 5200 BCE and at Delhi around 3100 BCE. In all Harappan excavations swastika is found. The Swastika symbol is an apt example of link between Vedic & Harappan cultures. The word swastika stands for svasti-ka i.e. ‘maker of welfare’. Both of the above signs appeared in Vedic literature and were also used in many Vedic ceremonies. The right figurine in particular represents sacred panca-svasti mantra found in Yajurveda (25.18-19), where the word ‘Svasti’ appears five times as: तमीशानं जगतस्तस्थुषस्पतिं धीयञ्जिन्वमवसे हुमहे वयम्। पूषा नो यथा वेदसामसद् वृधे रक्षिता पायुरदब्ध: स्वस्तये।। यजुर्वेद (25.18) स्वस्ति नs इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवा: स्वस्ति न: पूषा विश्ववेदा:। स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमि: स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु।। (25.19) We invoke him who may bring us welfare, May the respected Indra guard our welfare, May the omniscient Pushan guard our welfare, May the Universal Creator guard our welfare, May the Great Protector bring us welfare. The double meaning of symbols is common in ancient traditions, like for example the symbol of the pentagram (five pointed star), which is viewed as negative when pointing downwards, and positive when pointing upwards. --------------------- The Swastika is the Yantra (symbol) of the original Aryan Constitution. It incorporates the Four Bindus representing the four offices of Aryavartha within the four arms. It pre dates the Rik Veda. (Like the Brahmin Canon of the Prathamo Upanishad it precedes the Rik Veda) The Mantra (the condensed verbal vibrations) gives the four institutions, the objectives, the ordination and dedication in the Rik Veda: "Om Bhadram Karne bhi shrenayama Devaha, Om Bhadram Pashyemakshu bhir yajathraha, Sthiray rangay sthusthuvahum swasthino bhihi, vyyashema deva hitham yadayuhu. Swasthina Indro Vridhashrawaha. Swatshina Poosha Vishwavedaha. Swasthinastharkshyo arishtanaemihi. Swasthino Brishapathir Dathathu. Om Shanti, shanthi, shantihi". (Circa 20,000 B.C). The Tantra is implicit in the Mantra. Well being results and we shall see and hear only that which is auspicious and enjoy life with all our sixteen senses when the leader (Indra) is well famed), the Judge (Poosha) is all knowing, the Law Enforcer (Taarkshya) strikes down evil and the Mentor (Brihaspathi) educates well so blessing us with auspicousness. From this will come Peace, Peace, Peace. This prototypal or fractal Constitution is replicatable from the tiniest tribe to the overarching Grand Chief (or Arya Mihira) of all the tribes under Aryan Law or Varsha.P.S. The Vedas are not "epics" but an orally transmitted compendium of the Aryan experience while the Upanishads are the wisdom distilled therefrom. The Puranas are mythology and traditional History, often distorted to reconcile and enable the inclusion of various different tradtitions within the Aryan fold. The "auspiciousness" of the Swastika is the promise of the "rule of law" that is enabled by the four institutions mentioned in this Aryan Constitution having the qualities associated with them. 0 S Suchindranath Aiyer