Which is the only place where Bhagwan Shri Vishnu ji is the chief deity?

Discussion in 'Lord Vishnu' started by dwadashmadhav, Apr 16, 2017.

  1. dwadashmadhav

    dwadashmadhav New Member

    Tirthraj Prayag is thjpe only place on earth where Bhagwan Shri Vishnu ji is known as chief deity. Bhagwan Shri Vishnu is known here as Bhagwan Shri Madhav ji. Bhagwan Shri Madhav ji is situated here in twelve forms, which are called as dwadash madhav. trivenimadhav.jpg shankhmadhav.jpg padammadhav.jpg manohar madhav.JPG 6.JPG sankastharmadhav.JPG

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