Why do Hindus worship penis and vagina (Shivling)?

Discussion in 'Myths and Misconceptions' started by Speechless world, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. Speechless world

    Speechless world New Member

    Why do Hindus worship penis and vagina (Shivling)?
    Also, how does the shiva linga look anything like a penis?

    It is sad to see some of the Hindus also believe that Shivalinga represents Shiva's phallus! It does not represent any sexual organ! Some of the sculptors who do not understand what it truly represents, imagine it to be the male organ and have sculpted it realistically, and the holder which holds the linga is imagined to be a yoni! Anything erect and standing is imagined to be the phallus by minds which have not grown beyond the swathisthana chakra. I am inclined to believe Freud who attributed human behavior only to sex! It is the interpretation of the low mind which cannot think of anything except sexual intercourse, when it is said of the union of Sakthi and Shivam, the true meaning of which is the Arthanariswar!
    In Indian philosophical and theological thought, there is no importance for the body; the body came from the earth and that is where it will return! That is why Hindus cremate their dead. The ancients who were keen observers, realised when a person is dead, an important ingredient which kept this body alive, the spirit, soul or Atman, has left the body, to return to its place of origin. Hindus do not have a habit of preserving the body parts of saints and other people unlike in some religions, where they are worshiped and revered. Bodyhas very little importance in Hinduism!
    The phallus is part if the body and one cannot imagine Indians worshiping it. It is only a delivery organ which transports urine and semen! The actual creator organs are the the testis which produces the sperm and the ovary which produces the ova! Without adequate sperm and Ova, the phallus and yoni are useless for creating another life! Please do not brand our Rishis and ancients as fools who worshiped delivery and receptacle organs of reproduction! It is the immature mind which is wallowing in sexual thoughts all the time, which could arrive at such conclusion.
    Besides Shiva's phallus is not very efficient in reproduction either! He could not give a child to Parvathi; the two boys they have are are not from the union of their sperm and ova. I do not think our forefathers were foolish to worship such an useless phallus!
    If one reads Linga Puranam and Shiva Puranam carefully, one finds that the formless 'Shivam' created 'prakruti' (nature) which was in the form an Ellipsiod -Linga, for a long time. It was brighter than millions of suns and it had indescribable 'Tejas'. Even now the core of every galaxy is an ellipsoid as revealed by modern telescopes! The ellipse and ellipsoid are very commonly found in the cosmos. The planets orbits' are all ellipses, not circles! An ellipsoid is known to be a storehouse of energy! Shivam was the first formless space before creation and the first manifestation of creation was in the form of ellipsoid. Our Rishis realised this and started worshiping ellipsoids; ellipsoid needed a stand, which was interpreted as yoni. Linga worship is the simplest form of worship of Shivam the formless, and it a representation of the first form that occurred during creation.
  2. Spiritual Mind

    Spiritual Mind New Member

    I read this somewhere. .. bramha and vishnu were discussung over shiva's form and shiva appeared as a bright column of light in front them, with no beginning or no end, the endless universe. Only oval or egg shape could have represented him.

    There's also a myth about how some rushi muni cursed shiva that he will be only be worshipped as stone in earth, hence linga is more representative of shiva and worshipped than his actual form.

    I don't know when some pervert began to get sexual thoughts when seeing the lingam and began to interpret as phallus in yoni. I first heard this version 3 years ago and was totally shocked. What's more is that these people who belive it are rigid in their belief and spent hours trying to convince me, with of course the adjective telling there's nothing to be ashamed, it's pure and holy and represents creation through reproduction. .. blah blah blah. ...

    I don't buy it. Moreover, parvati worshipped shiva by making a linga out of mud. So how could her yoni be around it already? Saying that myth does not support the phallus yoni version of shiva linga.
  3. Hindu

    Hindu Member Staff Member

    Linga means mark representing Nirguna (formless) of the Ishwar. However western academics like Wendy Doniger at all have started this penis thing to obscure Hinduism and equally supported by ignorant Hindus around the world.
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  4. Senthil

    Senthil Active Member Staff Member

    The entire idea is absurd, and a creation by non-Hindus looking for some other reason to bash us. Any Hindu believing this garbage isn't much better.
  5. Prranjal

    Prranjal New Member

    There's nothing to be sad about worshiping Shivling. Yr blindness in ignoring the fact that Shivling is actually a penis surrounded by a vagina, lies in the fact that u are easily bullied by others into believing that worshiping the union of penis and vagina is a weird thing. It's a symbol of origin and it hails from our super liberal, ancestral Sanatan Arya culture. There's nothing shameful in it, the only downside is yr complex which stops u from attaining the right knowledge. Hindus are orthodox and confused people, Sanatan were liberal, open minded and highly knowledgeable. In the past centuries when Sanatan Arya ruled Bharat, it was called a golden bird. But now when we Hindus live here, we have allowed invaders to rob us of everything i.e. money, wisdom, culture, civilization and knowledge. That's why majority of Hindus suffer from incomparable inferiority complexes of all sorts like you do. Ancestors of the Christians were peasants and very orthodox but over the time they became liberal, open minded and gained proper knowledge. That's why west is so much developed now. Our ancestors were the same as westerners these days, maybe even more developed and more wise but the fall of our civilization and culture lead us to this day. Liberal wise Sanatan Arya turned into orthodox inferior Hindus who can be bullied by almost anybody in the world. Who know nothing about their roots, their religion or their culture.

    Shivling hails from a religion and a culture which also worshiped Ardh-Narayan. A form of God which is half man and half woman. It symbolizes the equation between a man and a woman. It tells that women are no lesser than man and that when man and woman lead a life with equal responsibilities and status, the life becomes easier and the culture develops in the positive direction. It's difficult to describe Ardh-Narayan in just 2 sentences. There were many forms of Gods which were worshiped in our ancestral religion but they are not known today because common people couldn't understand them at all. Shivling is the symbol of origin, the procedure of copulation is the most basic form which gives birth to a new life, it's that reason.
  6. Prranjal

    Prranjal New Member

    Also consider what Bhaagwad Gita says:
    Why do u cry, why do u weep for those who die? Cuz death is not an end, it's a new beginning. Aatm is released into the cosmos, it shreds off body like old clothes, to wear a new form in new body, new clothes. Aatm is indestructible and can't die becoz it was never born. It's Eternal, it's Sanatan. It only change bodies and forms, it reincarnates. It's part of a great unit that is unchangeable (God), so it can never be lost.

    Now read The Law of Conservation of Energy:
    The whole energy in the universe is an unchangeable unit. The energy can neither be created, nor can it be destroyed. It only transforms from one form to another one. That's reincarnation of energy or in simple terms Aatm.

    Proper knowledge can only be attained if the mind is free of confusions and complexes. Open up yr mind and fill it with the right knowledge. The world is full of positive and negative people. Ignore such who transmit negative vibes and embrace the positivism.

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